Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Still on the Potty Training Attack

Yes, we are still working on potty training... working being the key word.  I certainly wouldn't say we are "trained" but at least I feel things moving back in the right direction.  If you are getting to the "potty training" stage with your little boy, here are some things I have found helpful:

1.  This is the most wonderfully helpful potty training blog I have ever read.  It's sweet and to the point, yet seems to be working wonderfully.  http://toilettraining4toddlers.blogspot.com/

2.  Go straight to "big boy" training underwear.  Gerber makes some great ones!  Pull-Ups are too confusing for toddlers, too much like a diaper and no 'consequence' for having an accident. 

3.  Elmo's Potty Time DVD!  Graham watches this at least 10 times a day and is really learning from it. 

3.  Some great potty training books to read while 'waiting' to go potty.  Here are some of our favorites:

4.  Stickers!  Make a chart or let them decorate their potty seat, but stickers are key to the training process.

5.  M&Ms!  Don't know why, but they seem to work every time.

So those would be my grand suggestions, now let's just keep our fingers crossed that we can stay "trained" for some amount of time without a relapse  :)

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