Wednesday, April 14, 2010

25 Things about Me

A sneak-peak into the complex web that make up Kate:

  1. I am addicted to Mt. Dew, no matter what I do, I can't seem to stop the craving.  I must have at least one a week.

  2. I hate birds, ALL birds.  They just totally creep me out and add that to my horrible seagull experiences, you can pretty much strike birds out of my vocabulary.

  3. I love being pregnant!  It's the only time in my life when I am not the least bit self-conscious about how I look, not to mention it means that within 9 months I will get to hold and love a baby unconditionally... added bonus!

  4. I am a brunette, but I truly believe blonde hair fits my personality better.

  5. I love, love, love, college football.  The Hawkeyes are my team, but I could tailgate and watch college football anywhere on Earth and be in complete Heaven.

  6. I WILL NOT eat corn dogs.  I am not a picky eater, but I draw the line at corn dogs.

  7. I someday want to be "in shape" enough to be able to teach aerobics classes... got a way to go on that front.

  8. I am a complete control freak!  It was kind of rough typing that out, but it is the truth and knowing that has helped me try to tone it down when possible.

  9. One of my favorite things is fresh, clean sheets on the bed.  So don't be trying to come to bed dirty on laundry day, you will be asked to sleep on the floor!

  10. I am a firm believer in a woman's right... to birth control, to choose, and to control her own life.  That being said, if you smart enough to know your rights, then you are smart enough to act responsibly in all you do!

  11. I think I may have missed my calling as an event planner, but I wouldn't trade any career for the one I have now.

  12. I need to work on my listening skills.  I often talk to break silence, when time is all that was really needed.

  13. I am one of the least political people on the planet.  True, I have strong opinions on many political issues, but I just don't have the wear-with-all to argue about it 'til death.

  14. I spent 31 days in Australia in high school and have been to Mexico 3 times.  I hope to travel more, because there is a lot left I need to see.

  15. I am the worst speller!  I CAN NOT live without spell check, the world would think I was a complete idiot  :)

  16. I would like take photography lessons someday, because I truly believe pictures are worth a thousand words and in a family of talkers such as mine, that means a lot!

  17. While I like to ski, I would take a beach over the slopes any day.  I love the smell of salt water, the feeling of sand, the excitement of snorkeling, the rush of surfing and of course the look of being tan.

  18. I find pride in "fixing" things myself.  Whether it's the ever running toilet, the non-working vacuum or just a loose screw, knowing I figured out how to fix the issue makes me smile.

  19. I have live in 7 cities in 4 states: Madison, WI, Green Bay, WI, Macon GA, Germantown TN, Cedar Rapids, IA, LaCrosse, WI, and Iowa City/ North Liberty, IA.

  20. I am NOT good with foreign language.  I can read about 10 phrases in French and say about 3 in Spanish, none of which are at all useful in everyday life  :)

  21. After becoming a parent, I am ever increasingly more thankful of all my parents have done and still do for me.

  22. I am a science nerd.  I have a Biology degree and have always been fascinated with plants, animals, medicine and the art of the living thing.  Need something dissected, I'm your gal!

  23. I love to get my hair cut.  You may never see me with long hair, simply because I love going to get it cut so much and you clearly can't have long hair if you are getting it chopped off all the dang time.

  24. I envy people with a maid... don't we all!  I adore having a spotless house, I'm not sure anything bring me more peace.  But let's be realistic, even super woman couldn't keep a totally clean house with a 2-year-old and a dog.

  25. I love being a mom.  Even as much as I love Tim (endlessly), nothing can or ever will give me greater joy than being a mom!

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