If you ask my son, Graham, how old he is, and he is willing to comply with your request, he will most likely tell you "I'm 2 in January!" Not just 2 or hold up 2 fingers, nope, 2 in January every time. I'm guessing that is because he has heard me tell the 8 billion people who have asked how old he is that he will be 2 in January... in any case, that is is solid answer. Well January 27th has arrived and Graham is finally 2, yeah, we lived :)
We had a whole bunch of our play group friends over today for cupcakes, snacks and playtime to celebrate. We have been talking about this all week... about how the 'kids' as he calls them, are coming over to play and we are going to sing Happy Birthday and eat cupcakes, but we have to be nice and share our toys. He even woke up this morning asking when the kids were coming and kept telling me how he has to be nice and share his toys. Of course when the kids get here, he cries... almost the whole time. Nice! I'm sure it's totally overwhelming for a 2 year old to have so many kids playing with their toys, but really, crying, ugg! Oh well, he loved the cupcakes and singing and I think everyone had an OK time in the complete chaos.
After all the kids had left we sat down for some lunch and Graham couldn't even eat. He talked about a mile a minute about how the kids came over and sang Happy Birthday to me and we played toys... and the kicker... and I cried he said. I guess they don't call them the terrible twos for nothing.
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