Monday, August 30, 2010

"Walter Producing"

Every summer my family does a family vacation to Lake Okoboji.  It's crazy to see how much Graham grows from year to year and to watch the new things he learns to do each summer.  This summer's major activity was fishing, or as Papa likes to call it "Walter Producing!" 

Before we left Graham and I took a special trip to Target to pick out a brand new fishing pole.  Of course, in the spirit of Graham's new found love, he pick a Buzz Lightyear pole  :)  But he got to pick.  His pole came complete with a little rubber fish to practice fishing with.  Graham couldn't wait, he was so excited for Papa to show him how to catch a fish!

Since his casting "skills" left a little to be desired in the beginning we had him start by practicing in the blow up pool.  I figured it might ruin the fun of catching a fish if we fell off the dock on the first cast! 

After a short lesson from Papa Graham's casting greatly improved and we were ready to head to the dock! 

Once we had the casting down we got some worms, or "snakes" as Graham insisted on calling them, and tried the real deal.  The fish were super cooperative.  They just hung out at the end of the dock and nibbled away at your worm until they finally bit the hook and you could reel them in... what more could you ask for?  Needless to say, there was some major "Walter Producing" accomplished.  Of course each fish was only about the size of your fist, but Graham didn't care, a fish was a fish  :)  He was so proud!

Each day, after feeding the ducks, there was some "Walter Producing."  And wouldn't you know it, each day we caught a fish  :)

1 comment:

  1. so cute! wish i could catch fish like that- maybe i need to come take lesson as well :)
